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Sira 201: Bouti's Wisdoms of Sira
Spring Session 1: Why the Book was Written (Jan 26) (138:05)
Spring Session 2: Jahiliyah (Feb 2) (136:07)
Spring Session 3: The Prophet ﷺ as a Young Boy & Early Revelation (Feb 9) (130:06)
Spring Session 4: Early Revelation (Feb 16) (169:57)
Spring Session 5: First Hijrah & Year of Sorrow (Feb 23) (133:36)
Spring Session 6: Dawah, Persecution, Isra & Miraj (Mar 1) (125:16)
Spring Session 7: The Hijrah (Mar 8) (127:05)
Spring Session 8: Foundations of a New Society (Mar 15) (92:50)
Spring Session 9: Battle of Badr (Mar 22) (99:24)
Spring Session 10: Battle of Uhud (Mar 29) (98:05)
Spring Session 11: Battle Against Banu al-Mustaliq + Battle of Rags (Apr 5) (93:31)
Spring Session 12: Battle of Ahzab & Hadith al Ifk (Apr 12) (90:32)
Fall Session 1: Khandaq (Oct 20)
Fall Session 2: Hudaybiyya (Oct 4)
Fall Session 3: Khaybar (Oct 11)
Fall Session 4: Fath Makka (Oct 18)
Fall Session 5: Fath Mecca & Battle of Hunayn (Oct 25) (155:24)
Fall Session 6: Lessons of the Battle of Hunayn + Battle of Tabook (Nov 1) (145:41)
Fall Session 7: The Hajj of Sayyidnah Abu Bakr Assideek & Masjid Dirar (Nov 8) (156:44)
Fall Session 8: The Hajj of the Prophet ﷺ (Nov 16) (109:25)
Fall Session 9: The Khalafah of Sayyidnah Abu Bakr (Nov 22) (139:44)
Fall Session 10: The Khalifah of Sayyidnah Omar (Dec 6) (148:53)
Fall Session 11 Khalifah of Sayyidnah Uthman (Dec 13) (176:39)
Fall Session 12: The Khalafah of Salyyidnah Ali (December 20) (129:16)
VIDEO 1 - Intro, Background, & Major Themes (pp 45-90)
Why He Wrote the Book - The Modernist Genre in Sira (12:37)
Why He Wrote the Book (Pt 2) (7:14)
Modernism & Post Modernism (19:26)
Sira and the Scientific Method of Verification & Transmission (23:21)
First Authors of Sira (23:41)
Wisdoms Behind Choosing Arabia (Pt 1) (21:32)
Wisdoms Behind Choosing Arabia (Pt 2) (25:55)
Q&A (4:18)
Islam & Previous Revelations (Pt 1) (19:49)
Islam & Previous Revelations (Part 2) (16:29)
Nature of Jahiliyah (22:33)
False Narratives of Sira (6:56)
2 - From Birth to Calling (pp 91 - 130)
Origins of Quraysh (12:30)
Abd al-Muttalib becomes a Legend (26:46)
Wisdoms of Being Unlettered & an Orphan (13:11)
Occupations of the Prophet ﷺ and his Nature (17:45)
Mokadim of Ibn Khaldun-Section on Crafts (10:47)
The Prophet ﷺ as a Young Boy (Pt 1) (13:09)
The Prophet ﷺ as a Young Boy (Pt 2) (16:59)
The Prophet ﷺ as a Young Boy (Pt 3) (10:11)
The Prophet ﷺ and Sayyida Khadijah (21:25)
How the Prophet ﷺ Differentiated His Enemies (7:29)
The Ka'ba (25:21)
Virtues of Seclusion (11:52)
Wahy - Beginning of the Revelation (12:49)
Wahy (Part 2) (17:45)
3 - From Calling to Emigration (pp 131-270)
Methods of Dawah (12:15)
Keeping Faith Secret (25:29)
Keeping Faith Secret Part 2 (25:29)
Why the First Converts Were Poor (7:57)
The Public Call (19:17)
Rejection & Persecution (Part 1) (19:55)
Rejection & Persecution (Part 2) (23:53)
Stages of Rejection (21:25)
Surat al-Kafirun (13:52)
Events of Sira Disprove False Acccusations (18:12)
Means Do Not Justify Ends (Part 1) (20:34)
Means Do Not Justify Ends (Part 2) (9:12)
The Economic Blockade (13:02)
End of Blockade- Why Kuffar Would Help Muslims (14:05)
Negating the Leftist Claim (14:04)
First Hijra (23:33)
Year of Sorrow (6:57)
Dawah to Ta'if (17:26)
Persecution & Duaa (14:29)
Jinn (11:37)
How Wizardry Went Out of Buisness (5:53)
Complaining to People vs Complaining to Allah (swt) (9:21)
Trusting Allah (6:11)
Isra & Mi'raj (10:28)
Miracles (8:49)
Proof the Mi'raj was Not a Dream (15:45)
Relying on the Scholars (14:31)
How Allah -Set the Table- with Quraysh (10:41)
The First Aqaba (16:29)
Mus'ab b. 'Umayr (7:38)
Wealth & Humility (14:53)
Second Pledge of 'Aqaba (19:41)
Jihad (16:34)
Fallacies (16:34)
The Hijrah (10:37)
How the Prophet ﷺ Exited His House (11:19)
Miracles of the Hijrah (13:16)
4 - Foundations of A New Society (pp 249-270)
Foundations of the New Society (16:37)
The First Foundation - Construction of the Mosque (10:35)
Second Foundation - Brotherhood (8:14)
Ornamentation of the Mosque (5:26)
Brotherhood and its Importance (13:52)
Inheritance (3:41)
Distinctions within the Ummah (8:28)
Guidelines of Brotherhood (4:04)
Third Foundation-Covenant between Muslims and Non Muslims (13:07)
Fourth Foundation-The Marketplace (5:28)
Economics in Sharia (3:11)
5 - The Defensive Warfare Phase (pp 271-398)
Phase of Defensive Warfare (14:47)
Preparing the Army (6:03)
The Battle of Badr (9:29)
Fiqh of the Initial Interest of the Muslims + Shura (6:44)
Fiqh of the Assurance of the Muhajireen + Spying and Trickery in War (3:10)
Q&A (1:10)
Messanger as Prophet vs Teacher (6:44)
Act by Cause and Effect vs Believing In It (5:42)
Talking to the Dead + Captives (6:56)
Spoils of War (12:30)
Argument of Embarassment (8:26)
Banu Qaynuqa after Badr (4:55)
Alliances (12:41)
Why the Battle of Uhud Took Place (11:12)
Shura vs 'Azima (5:56)
The Munafiqin (13:22)
How the Prophet Motivated His Army (7:00)
The Battle (6:48)
How They Distracted Sorrows + Ensured Quraysh Doesn't Return (4:07)
Q&A (2:02)
Wisdoms of Shura (10:25)
The Value of Conflict (1:59)
Not Accepting Help from the Mushrikeen (2:27)
Negating Arabs Always at War (3:08)
The Knowledge of the Prophet ﷺ (3:18)
Hubris (6:49)
Obedience Brings Success (2:07)
Rumor of the Death of the Prophet ﷺ (1:35)
Martyrdom Reveals the Source of Sacrifice (5:08)
Burial of a Martyr (5:22)
Wisdoms of What Happened (1:46)
Q&A Part 2 (3:26)
Confrontation at al Raji' (14:33)
Confrontation of Bi'r Ma'unah (10:54)
The Hearts of the Muslims (2:40)
Asim's Refusal to be Under the Authority of Pagans (1:13)
Love of the Prophet ﷺ (3:24)
The Karamah of Khubab ibn Adi (4:36)
How the Land is Distributed (2:28)
Battle of the Rags + Prayer of Fear (7:23)
The Prophet ﷺ's Protection from Harm (6:29)
Love of the Deen Numbed the Sahaba's Pain (7:21)
The Marriage of Jabir Abdillah (4:35)
Battle Against Banu al-Mustaliq (6:13)
The Incident of Zaid ibn al Arqam (6:46)
Coitus Interruptus (1:22)
Q&A 2 (13:27)
Battle against al-Mustaliq + Spoils of War (7:28)
Coitus Interruptus (1:19)
Proof Revelation is Not in the Hands of the Prophet ﷺ (7:06)
Hadith al Ifk (15:11)
How Abdullah ibn Obey Did Not Get Punished (3:08)
The Human Aspect of The Prophet ﷺ (7:30)
Battle of Ahzab (12:16)
Miracle of the Whole Army Eating (5:44)
Who the War was Against (7:08)
The Initial Part of the Battle (2:56)
How the Battle was Won (7:51)
Methods of War (1:53)
Q&A (10:57)
Fall 2020
Second Semester Intro (3:40)
Building Reputation for Dawah (4:41)
Battle of the Trench Review (10:31)
The Prophet ﷺ’s Tactics of Motivating the Soldiers (6:48)
Matters of Life, Sustenance, and Survival from Pagans (13:13)
Do Not Make Dua for Pagans After Their Death (5:34)
The Prophet ﷺ as a Leader: Digging with the Soldiers (15:59)
The Prophet ﷺ as Messenger vs Teacher (11:19)
Word of the Prophet ﷺ isn’t Legal Text Until After the Sunnah & Revelation (6:39)
Allah Only Gives Victory to Those Who are Obedient (5:42)
How the Victory was Attained in the Battle (15:50)
How to Pray During War + Foundations of Deed vs Flexible Application (4:36)
Siege with Beni Qurayda (13:16)
Execution of Beni Qurayda (13:04)
Session 1 Q&A (20:21)
6 - Conquest (pp 399-604)
The Concept of Conquering Other Nations (6:47)
The Pledge of Allegiance at al-Ridwan (14:35)
The Four Mistakes Quraysh Make in the Truce (16:55)
The Prophet as Messenger vs Teacher (8:21)
Omar Ibn Khatab (23:10)
The Command the Prophet ﷺ was Given (14:15)
Abu Baseer (21:08)
Seeking Aid from a Non Believer (4:59)
Taking Shura (4:30)
Honoring Symbols of Religion (11:01)
Cursing (9:35)
Peace Treaties with Pagans (6:12)
First Ayat of Surat al Fath (7:51)
Session 2 Q&A (3:55)
Khaybar Introduction (18:38)
Siege of Khaybar (10:13)
Bardering Rules (4:07)
Zainab Bint Al Harith (6:42)
Spoils of War (15:15)
Safiyyah bint Huyay (2:33)
The Contract with Khaybar + Types of Contracts in Fiqh (14:17)
Fiqh of Men Greeting Each Other (3:28)
Fiqh of Ribba (6:00)
Fiqh of Spoils of War Continued + Rules of Finances for Public Officials (8:00)
Permissibility of Making a Haram Action Halal Though a Means that Makes it Lawful (9:05)
Session 3 Q&A (7:35)
The Fate of the Jews of Khaybar (15:58)
Fiqh of Conquering & Living Under Islamic Law (15:58)
Adapting to the Technologies of an Era (12:28)
Priority of Reforming Muslims vs Dawah (12:23)
Compensatory Umrah (16:45)
Dreams about the Future (7:19)
The Battle of Mu'tah (19:02)
Accepting the Qadr of Allah (6:23)
The Conquest of Mecca Intro (7:40)
Wahy from Gebril About the Betrayal (7:51)
The Submission of Abu Sufyan (16:48)
Sometimes the Ego Needs to be Broken Down but Not the Spirit (7:33)
Entrance and Speech of the Prophet ﷺ After the Conquest (16:12)
People Giving Oath to the Prophet ﷺ (11:50)
Spritiual Healing of Fudalah by the Prophet ﷺ (4:17)
Difference of Opinion in Fiqh Rulings and Evidences (3:48)
There is No Success Except with Proper Islam (2:23)
Fiqh of Forced Confessions (5:16)
The Lessons We Take from Abu Sufyan (17:48)
Forced Coversions (15:09)
Reflections on Reciting Quran while Entering Mecca and War in Mecca (14:32)
Conflicting Evidences (14:09)
Fiqh of Photographs, Pictures, and Drawings (16:32)
Views and Critiques of Art (7:37)
Wisdoms of Fath Mecca (22:45)
The Pledge of Women (14:30)
The Battle of Hunayn (20:26)
The Spoils of War (15:38)
Q&A (3:54)
Importance of Knowing the Sources of Our Knowledge and Moods (15:38)
When a Group Gets Scattered, Restart with the Trustworthy (2:39)
Permissible Spying vs Impermissible Spying (2:08)
Borrowing From Pagans In Times of War (7:09)
Women in Battle (5:10)
Prohibitions in War (5:59)
Gaining Wealth from the Slain (13:09)
Treatment of Those Who Are Still New to the Deen (10:09)
Fundraising and Preparing for the Battle of Tabook (21:54)
The Battle of Tabook (7:51)
Artifacts of the Mushrikeen (3:34)
The Satanic Plot of Procrastination (12:43)
Striving and Struggling with Your Wealth (9:17)
Dancing While Doing Thikr is Impermissible (10:19)
Hypocricy (5:27)
Jizyah (2:08)
The Punishment of the Three Believers (2:29)
Sajdah of Shukr (1:21)
Q&A (5:18)
Why the Prophet ﷺ Did Not Make the First Hajj (11:38)
Surat Al Tawba, Last Hajj of the Mushrikeen (15:04)
The Four Month Time Period for the Peace Treaty with the Mushrikeen (6:48)
Masjid Dirar Part 1 (19:38)
Masjid Dirar Part 2 (17:00)
Tai’f’s Negotiation for Converting (23:11)
There Is No Negotiation in Deen (11:05)
The Christians if Najran (23:27)
On Women Traveling (7:21)
The Prophet Sending Delegates (20:15)
The Prophet ﷺ’s Speech at Hajj on Murder, Ribba, and the Lunar Calendar (17:41)
The Prophet ﷺ’s Speech at Hajj on Women, Racial Relations, and Slavery (9:06)
The Prophet ﷺ’s Hajj (3:01)
Lessons from the Prophet ﷺ’s Hajj (8:42)
Tribal Zeal and the Lunar Calendar (7:35)
Respecting Women (3:32)
Follow the Quran, the Sunnah, and the Companions (5:53)
The Pillars of Islam are Complete Upon the Prophet ﷺ’s Hajj (3:55)
The Prophet’s Return to Medina (7:25)
The Prophet ﷺ’s Sickness (13:55)
The Day of the Prophet ﷺ’s Death (11:07)
Appointing the Next Ruler (17:02)
Response to the Prophet ﷺ Not Being Eternal (10:47)
Importance of Mixing Up the Leadership Roles + Rukiyah (11:03)
Difference Between Rukiyyah & Black Magic (17:04)
The Appointment of Sayyidnah Abu Bakr as Khalifa (10:52)
How Sayyidnah Abu Bakr Became the Leader (15:10)
Speech of Sayyidnah Abu Bakr (2:20)
What Sayyidnah Abu Bakr Did During His Time (4:51)
The Riddah Wars (8:15)
The Gathering of the Quran (12:03)
The Death of Sayyidnah Abu Bakr and Appointment of Sayyidnah Omar (21:59)
Conquers of Sayyidnah Omar (Until 16th Year) (12:18)
Year 17-Expansion of the Mosque and the Drought (5:30)
Year 20-Conquer of Egypt (8:11)
Khalafah of Sayyidnah Omar Intro (9:56)
Sayyidnah Omar Conquering Lands (9:48)
Sayyidnah Omar’s Death & Appoinment of the Next Caliph (13:26)
Innovations of Sayyidnah Omar's Khalafah (24:44)
Intimate Stories from Sayyidnah Omar’s Khalafah (18:37)
Sayyidnah Omar’s Philosophy of Corruption (13:06)
Sayyidnah Omar’s Philosophy of Governance (20:16)
The States Under Sayyidnah Omar’s Rule (21:57)
Transition of the Caliphs (3:59)
How Sayyidnah Uthman Became Khalifah + Contrast of the Caliphs (10:39)
Who Should We Prefer? (10:38)
Changes Sayyidnah Uthman Made (7:26)
Speech to the Generals and the People (10:43)
Instances of Sayyidnah Uthman Forbidding Wrong (9:21)
Things Sayyidnah Uthman Made a Sunnah Part 1 (15:38)
Things Sayyidnah Uthman Made a Sunnah Part 2 (12:46)
Judiciary of Sayyidnah Uthman (24:53)
Wisdoms from Sayyidnah Uthman (21:35)
The Fitnah of the Khalafah (25:15)
How Sayyidnah Uthman was Killed (17:33)
Effects of Sayyidnah Uthman’s Death (9:57)
How Sayyidnah Ali Takes the Khalifah (20:58)
How the Battle of the Camel Started (19:42)
Categories of Rebellion (24:42)
The Khawarij (26:28)
Fitnah of Sayyidnah Ali's Time Continued (18:13)
The Death of Sayyidnah Ali (19:10)
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