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Youth Class 101: Sira for Youth
Spring 2024
Class 12 - Making the Hijrah (61:41)
Class 13 - Arriving in Madinah (50:14)
Class 14 - The Battle of Badr (63:15)
Class 15 - Review (51:09)
Class 16 - The Aftermath of Badr (58:21)
Class 17 - The Battle of Uhud (57:10)
Class 18 - Lessons from the Battle of Uhud (47:31)
Class 19 - The Slander and the Munafiqeen (49:34)
Class 20 - The Battle of Khandaq and Hudaybiyyah (55:06)
Class 21 - The Battle of Khaybar and Umrah (60:13)
Class 22 - The Conquest of Mecca (60:50)
Fall 2023
Zoom & WhatsApp Group Links
Class 1: Introduction to the Seerah (65:20)
Class 2: Ibrahim and Ismael Alayhuma Salaam (53:27)
Class 3: Abraha attacks the Kaaba (52:38)
Class 4: The Birth of the Prophet ﷺ (45:23)
Class 5: The Youth and Marriage of the Prophet ﷺ (54:09)
Class 6: The First Revelation (53:56)
Class 7: The First Muslims (57:17)
Class 8 - The Quraysh are very angry (42:51)
Class 9 - Migration to Abyssynia (58:02)
Class 10 - Journey to Taif and the Year of Sorrow (46:49)
Class 11 - The Night Journey (51:50)
Spring 2023
Zoom & WhatsApp Group Links
Class 1: Leaving for Hijrah (58:33)
Class 2: The Early Days of Madina (43:03)
Class 3: The Battle of Badr (59:36)
Class 4: Review Session (54:45)
Class 5: The Aftermath of Badr (55:35)
Class 6: Battle of Uhud (42:09)
Class 7: Lessons from the Battle (54:57)
Class 8: The Slander against our Mother & The Battle of Khandaq (49:18)
Class 9: The Banu Qurayzah and the Treaty of Hudabiyyah (44:41)
Class 10: The Battle of Khaybar & Mutah (30:51)
Class 11: The Conquest of Mecca (43:40)
Class 12: Battle of Hunayn and the Final Sermon (47:21)
Class 13: The Sickness and the Passing of the Messenger ﷺ (61:14)
Fall 2022
Class 1: What is Seerah and why do we study it? (48:55)
Class 2: The Building of the Kaaba (44:03)
Class 3: The History of Zamzam & The Miracles of Abd al-Muttalib (38:10)
Class 4: Abraha Attacks Mecca (58:00)
Class 5: The Birth of the Prophet ﷺ (44:43)
Class 6: The Marriage of the Prophet ﷺ (33:50)
Class 7: The First Revelation (51:09)
Class 8: The First Muslims (48:38)
Class 9: The Persecution of the Believers Part 1 (51:31)
Class 10: The Spread of the Dawah (63:12)
Class 11: The Boycott and the Year of Sadness (55:31)
Class 12: The Night Journey (52:50)
Spring 2022
Session 1: Journey to Taif (49:40)
Session 2: Isra Wa Al-Miraj (50:26)
Session 3: Preparing for the Hijrah (48:29)
Session 4: The Hijrah (48:50)
Session 5: Review (53:35)
Session 6: The Battle of Badr (57:36)
Session 7: The Aftermath of Badr (51:19)
Session 8: Battle of Uhud (52:10)
Fall 2021
Session 1: Sira for Kids Video (9.19.21) (55:26)
Session 2: Sira for Kids Video (9.26.21) (58:58)
Session 1 Notes: Sira for Kids
Session 2 Notes: Sira for Kids
Session 3 Notes: Sira for Kids
Session 3: Sira for Kids Video (10.3.21) (56:58)
Session 4: Sira for Kids Video (10.10.21) (57:41)
Session 4: Sira for Kids Notes
Session 5: Sira for Kids Notes
Session 5: Sira for Kids Video (10/17/21) (58:48)
Session 6: Sira for Kids Notes - Marriage to Khadija
Session 6: Sira for Kids Video - Marriage to Khadija(10/24/21) (55:17)
Session 7: Sira for Kids Notes - The Home After Marriage
Session 7: Sira for Kids Video (11/7/21) (52:57)
Session 8: Sira for Kids - Surah Alaq Revelation
Session 8: Sira for Kids Video (11/14/21) (50:43)
Session 9: Sira for Kids Video (11/21/21) (51:42)
Session 9: Sira for Kids Notes - The Early Muslims
Session 10: Sira for Kids Video (12/5/21) (51:38)
Session 10: Sira for Kids Notes - The New Religion threatened the Quraysh
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Class 1: Leaving for Hijrah
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