Quran Tafsir 201: Qurtubi on Fatiha & Baqara
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This is a Fall 2023 live class. The class timing for this course will be Sunday, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST.
Your Instructor
Dr. Shadee Elmasry was born and raised in New Jersey. He began studying the traditional sciences rigorously at age eighteen. He studied in Yemen, Mecca and Madina, London and Cairo under several veteran ulama. He studied Arabic Maliki fiqh, usul, aqida and suluk. Among his teachers are Mahmoud Shabieb, Rami Nsour, Salek bin Sidna, Muhammad al-Jindi, Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki, Habib Umar bin Hafiz, and Hafiz Ghulam Yasin.
In addition to traditional learning, Dr. Elmasry has received a masters and PhD in religious studies, completing his masters thesis at The George Washington University and his PhD at The University of London, SOAS on Da’wa in the Works of Imam Abd Allah bin Alawi al-Haddad.
Dr. Elmasry went on to teach at several universities including Yale, The University of London SOAS, Trinity College, Hartford Seminary and Manhattanville College. Currently, he has found his way back home as Scholar in Residence and Director of Education at the New Brunswick Islamic Center in New Jersey. He is also the founder and head of Safina Society—an institution dedicated to disseminating Ahl al-Sunna & Jama knowledge live and online.
Course Curriculum
Start4a - Verse 6 - "Whether you warn them or not" (23:55)
Start4b - Verse 7 - "Allah sealed their hearts" (27:14)
Start4c - Verse 7 - "Allah sealed their hearts" cont. (24:13)
Start4d - The Hypocrites (16:08)
Start4e - What makes people hypocrites (20:59)
Start4f - Verses 8-15 - Allegories describing hypocrisy (22:01)
Start5a - Allah seals their hearts. What kind of heart gets sealed? (22:33)
Start5b - What does it mean to sell their deen for Dunya? (verse 16) (10:25)
Start5c - The hypocrite is like the one who lights a fire (verse 17) (7:49)
Start5d - Deaf, Dumb, & Blind (7:14)
Start5e - Lightning Snatches Their Vision (9:56)
Start5f - The Challenge of the Quran (23:17)
Start5g - Evidence that the Prophet ï·º did not author the Quran (17:51)
Start5h - What we're given in Paradise (15:51)
Start5i - Signs of a fasiq (7:12)
Start5j - Two deaths & two lives (5:20)
Start5k - Creation was made for us to use (4:53)
Start6a - All things are created for our use without abuse (5:21)
Start6b - Qat'i & Zanni (2:44)
Start6c - Istiwa' and its meaning (9:43)
Start6d - How did Allah tell the angels He is creating a Khalifa 1 (4:39)
Start6e - The Innocence of Adam 1 (5:48)
Start6f - Can Prophets sin? 1 (0:19)
Start6g - Is it necessary to have a khalifa? 1 (2:50)
Start6h - Did the Prophet ï·º appoint a khalifa? 1 (2:51)
Start6i - Hadith Ghadir Khumm: Did the Prophet ï·º appoint Sayyidna Ali? 1 (4:29)
Start6j - Ali: You are to me as Harun was to Musa. 1 (7:23)
Start6k - The Prophet ï·º did not appoint a khalifa. 1 (11:25)
Start6l - How did Sayyidna Abu Bakr appoint his khalifa? 1 (1:47)
Start6m - The third, fourth, & fifth methods 1 (3:19)
Start6n - The ruling on taking over by force. 1 (1:24)
Start6o - Qualities that must be in a khalifa. 1 (11:31)
Start6p - What is not a pre-condition for a Khalifa 1 (1:21)
Start6q - Choosing a khalifa, in the presence of one more worthy. 1 (3:53)
Start6r - Rebelling against the leader. 1 (7:35)
Start6s - Punishments the Khalifa is allowed to establish 1 (12:26)
Start6t - The Story of Adam & How they populated the earth 1 (13:15)
Start6u - The Creation & The Names 1 (21:26)
Start6v - Ruling on Music 1 (7:32)
Start6w - How jinn received commands & other QA 1 (5:02)
Start7a - Which garden were they in? (22:23)
Start7b - The tree (22:40)
Start7c - The sins of Prophets are permitted deeds for us (17:36)
Start7d - Who are the "enemies to each other" (1:46)
Start7e - Creation of Hawa & How Ibis entered the Garden (11:12)
Start7f.1 - How long is a heen (24:00)
Start7f.2 - The words of Adam's repentence (13:53)
Start7g - On guidance & da'wa (8:39)
Start7h - The worst thing for da'wa (3:11)
Start7i - No fear nor sadness (11:48)
StartPT 1 - The Accusations Directed at the Prophet (SAW) and Their Refutations (20:02)
StartPT 2 - The Creation of Allah is Unique (4:57)
StartPT 3 - The Blessings Conferred Upon the Bani Isra'il (9:36)
StartPT 4 - The Station of Scrupulousness (3:55)
StartPT 5 - The Qur'an Confirms What Was in the Torah (3:33)
StartPT 6 - The Rabbis Lied About the Verses (4:13)
StartPT 7 - The Conditions for Accepting a Wage for Teaching (10:01)
StartPT 8 - The Ummayyid Caliph Sulayman ibn ‘Abd al Malik And Abu Hazim (ra) (13:48)
StartPT 9 - The Two Ways to Go Astray (10:51)
StartPT 10 - Q&A (22:15)
StartPT 1 - Zakat and All its Forms (12:07)
StartPT 2 - The Fiqh and Social Components of Salah (20:20)
StartPT 3 - How Allah Attaches Happiness to the Fard (3:31)
StartPT 4 - The Necessity to Derive Specifics From the Prophet's General Speech (1:48)
StartPT 5 - The Story of Amr ibn Salamah (ra) (4:51)
StartPT 6 - The Gradations in Theology (7:34)
StartPT 7 - Midway Q&A (5:22)
StartPT 8 - Goodness is Never Hidden (3:17)
StartPT 9 - The Subtleties of Halal and Haram and the Secrets We Keep (3:46)
StartPT 10 - The Foolishness of One Who Preaches the Truth But Does Not Practice It (8:36)
StartPT 11 - The Purpose of Aql is Restraint (11:50)
StartPT 12 - The Prerequisites For Improving Our Islamic Life (16:15)
StartPT 1 - The Features of the Qur'an that Prove it is the Word of Allah (5:02)
StartPT 2 - What is the Purpose of Preserving History? (4:34)
StartPT 3 - Human Beings are Generally the Same (3:55)
StartPT 4 - The Removal of Bani Israel's Chosen Status (5:36)
StartPT 5 - General Descriptions of the Day of Judgement (6:29)
StartPT 6 - Using an Abrogated Verse (6:16)
StartPT 7 - How the Tashri'iyyah Works (3:19)
StartPT 8 - Intercession and the Levels of Forgiveness (7:19)
StartPT 9 - What is the Ransom of the Day of Judgement? (6:01)
StartPT 10 - The Help on the Day of Judgement (0:53)
StartPT 11 - Signs of the Chosen People (4:30)
StartPT 12 - The Punishment of the Bani Israel (5:53)
StartPT 13 - The Meaning of Balaa' (3:46)
StartPT 14 - Oppressors and the Ones Who Officiate Sinful Behavior (9:50)
StartPT 15 - The Concept of Maslaha (3:07)
StartPT 16 - Q & A (4:30)
StartPT 17 - The Splitting of the Red Sea and the Drowning of Pharaoh (15:58)
StartPT 18 - The History of the Golden Calf (25:25)
StartPT 1 - The Nature of the Misguidance of Muslims (2:03)
StartPT 2 - Kaffarah for the Bani Isra'il (3:03)
StartPT 3 - The Levels of Forgiveness (1:30)
StartPT 4 - The Meaning Behind Ash-Shakur (2:31)
StartPT 5 - The Difference between Ghaafir, Ghafur and Ghaffar (0:57)
StartPT 6 - The State of the Shakur (12:03)
StartPT 7 - The Signs of Being Grateful to Allah (9:43)
StartPT 8 - The Eloquence of the Qur'an (2:18)
StartPT 9 - What is the Furqan? (5:14)
StartPT 10 - How Iblees Mixes Truth with Falsehood (7:06)
StartPT 11 - The Nature of Forgiveness and Punishment (9:48)
StartPT 12 - Allah is Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari, Al-Musawwir (10:36)
StartPT 13 - The Bani Isra'il Refuse to Submit
StartPT 14 - The Folly of the Bani Isra'il (10:49)
StartPT 15 - The Etiquette for Paraphrasing Hadith (4:44)
StartPT 16 - Our Aqidah Concerning Al-Asbab (6:47)
StartPT 17 - An Invalid Proposition Concerning Allah and His Attributes (6:43)
StartPT 18 - The Istisqa of Prophet Musa (A.S.) (9:49)
StartPT 19 - The Bani Isra'il are an Earthly Nation (3:59)
StartPT 1 - The Bani Isra'il and the Consequence of Their Rebellious Nature (22:59)
StartPT 2 - How Insistence in Minor Sins Lead to Major Sins (20:01)
StartPT 3 - The Transgressions of the Bani Isra'il and Believers That are Saved (17:52)
StartPT 4 - The Oath taken by the Bani Isra'il and its Reward (16:47)
StartPT 5 - The Continued Disobedience of the Bani Is'rail and its Repercussions (10:57)
StartPT 6 - Short Q&A (3:10)
StartPT 7 - The Bani Isra'il and the Slaughter of the Cow (16:43)
StartPT 1 - The Relationship Between the Bani Isra'il and Their Prophets and How They Complicated the Sharia (45:31)
StartPT 2 - The Softening of Hard Hearts (18:28)
StartPT 3 - The States of the Hearts and Addressing the Rulers (10:05)
StartPT 4 - The Hypocrites Among the Jews (7:54)
StartPT 5 - The Jews Would Speculate and Engage in Wishful Thinking (5:25)
StartPT 6 - The Jews Would Alter the Words of Allah for a Paltry Price (6:46)
StartPT 7 - They Fabricated Lies About Allah From Their Whims (7:08)
StartPT 8 - Only Those Who Sin Will Enter the Fire (3:01)
StartPT 9 - The Covenant Made With the Tribes of Israel (9:21)
StartSurah Al-Baqara 221 - 225 (Natural/Rational Love, Jewish Practices, and Oaths) (137:24)
StartSurah Al-Baqarah 226 - 232 (Rules regarding Marriage and Divorce) (157:25)
StartSurah Al-Baqarah 226 - 228 (Oaths) (105:44)
StartSurah Al-Baqarah 233 - 241 (Divorce, Rights, and Parents) (134:32)
StartSurah Al-Baqarah 242 - 246 (Inheritance, War, Bani Israel, Rizq) (127:11)
StartSurah Al-Baqarah 247 - 253 (Bani Israel, Dawud, Rulers, Prophets' Gifts) (144:00)
StartMarch 10 (152:20)
StartSurah Al-Baqarah Ayah al Kursi (146:30)
StartSurah Al-Baqarah 256 - 260 (Compulsion, Apostasy, and Ibrahim AS's Story) (152:28)
StartSurah Al-Baqarah 261 - 274 (Difference b/w Muslims and Bani Israel, Women in Jihad, and Charity) (146:05)
StartSurah Al-Baqarah 262 - 281 (Charity and Loans) (127:10)
StartSurah Al-Baqarah 2## (145:12)
StartSurah Al-Baqarah 2## (135:38)