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Quran Tafsir 201: Qurtubi on Fatiha & Baqara
Surat al-Baqara from Tafsir al-Qurtubi - Link and text
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The Book
Session 1 - September 18
Surat al-Faitha (78:40)
Session 2 - September 25
2a - Al-Fatiha cont. (69:37)
2b - Why the name Al-Baqara? (48:27)
Session 3 - October 2
Verses on the believers (125:36)
Session 4 - October 9
4a - Verse 6 - "Whether you warn them or not" (23:55)
4b - Verse 7 - "Allah sealed their hearts" (27:14)
4c - Verse 7 - "Allah sealed their hearts" cont. (24:13)
4d - The Hypocrites (16:08)
4e - What makes people hypocrites (20:59)
4f - Verses 8-15 - Allegories describing hypocrisy (22:01)
Session 5 - October 16
5a - Allah seals their hearts. What kind of heart gets sealed? (22:33)
5b - What does it mean to sell their deen for Dunya? (verse 16) (10:25)
5c - The hypocrite is like the one who lights a fire (verse 17) (7:49)
5d - Deaf, Dumb, & Blind (7:14)
5e - Lightning Snatches Their Vision (9:56)
5f - The Challenge of the Quran (23:17)
5g - Evidence that the Prophet ï·º did not author the Quran (17:51)
5h - What we're given in Paradise (15:51)
5i - Signs of a fasiq (7:12)
5j - Two deaths & two lives (5:20)
5k - Creation was made for us to use (4:53)
Session 6 - October 23
6a - All things are created for our use without abuse (5:21)
6b - Qat'i & Zanni (2:44)
6c - Istiwa' and its meaning (9:43)
6d - How did Allah tell the angels He is creating a Khalifa 1 (4:39)
6e - The Innocence of Adam 1 (5:48)
6f - Can Prophets sin? 1 (0:19)
6g - Is it necessary to have a khalifa? 1 (2:50)
6h - Did the Prophet ï·º appoint a khalifa? 1 (2:51)
6i - Hadith Ghadir Khumm: Did the Prophet ï·º appoint Sayyidna Ali? 1 (4:29)
6j - Ali: You are to me as Harun was to Musa. 1 (7:23)
6k - The Prophet ï·º did not appoint a khalifa. 1 (11:25)
6l - How did Sayyidna Abu Bakr appoint his khalifa? 1 (1:47)
6m - The third, fourth, & fifth methods 1 (3:19)
6n - The ruling on taking over by force. 1 (1:24)
6o - Qualities that must be in a khalifa. 1 (11:31)
6p - What is not a pre-condition for a Khalifa 1 (1:21)
6q - Choosing a khalifa, in the presence of one more worthy. 1 (3:53)
6r - Rebelling against the leader. 1 (7:35)
6s - Punishments the Khalifa is allowed to establish 1 (12:26)
6t - The Story of Adam & How they populated the earth 1 (13:15)
6u - The Creation & The Names 1 (21:26)
6v - Ruling on Music 1 (7:32)
6w - How jinn received commands & other QA 1 (5:02)
Session 7 - November 6
7a - Which garden were they in? (22:23)
7b - The tree (22:40)
7c - The sins of Prophets are permitted deeds for us (17:36)
7d - Who are the "enemies to each other" (1:46)
7e - Creation of Hawa & How Ibis entered the Garden (11:12)
7f.1 - How long is a heen (24:00)
7f.2 - The words of Adam's repentence (13:53)
7g - On guidance & da'wa (8:39)
7h - The worst thing for da'wa (3:11)
7i - No fear nor sadness (11:48)
Session 8 - November 6
PT 1 - The Accusations Directed at the Prophet (SAW) and Their Refutations (20:02)
PT 2 - The Creation of Allah is Unique (4:57)
PT 3 - The Blessings Conferred Upon the Bani Isra'il (9:36)
PT 4 - The Station of Scrupulousness (3:55)
PT 5 - The Qur'an Confirms What Was in the Torah (3:33)
PT 6 - The Rabbis Lied About the Verses (4:13)
PT 7 - The Conditions for Accepting a Wage for Teaching (10:01)
PT 8 - The Ummayyid Caliph Sulayman ibn ‘Abd al Malik And Abu Hazim (ra) (13:48)
PT 9 - The Two Ways to Go Astray (10:51)
PT 10 - Q&A (22:15)
Session 9 - November 14
PT 1 - Zakat and All its Forms (12:07)
PT 2 - The Fiqh and Social Components of Salah (20:20)
PT 3 - How Allah Attaches Happiness to the Fard (3:31)
PT 4 - The Necessity to Derive Specifics From the Prophet's General Speech (1:48)
PT 5 - The Story of Amr ibn Salamah (ra) (4:51)
PT 6 - The Gradations in Theology (7:34)
PT 7 - Midway Q&A (5:22)
PT 8 - Goodness is Never Hidden (3:17)
PT 9 - The Subtleties of Halal and Haram and the Secrets We Keep (3:46)
PT 10 - The Foolishness of One Who Preaches the Truth But Does Not Practice It (8:36)
PT 11 - The Purpose of Aql is Restraint (11:50)
PT 12 - The Prerequisites For Improving Our Islamic Life (16:15)
Session 10 - December 5
PT 1 - The Features of the Qur'an that Prove it is the Word of Allah (5:02)
PT 2 - What is the Purpose of Preserving History? (4:34)
PT 3 - Human Beings are Generally the Same (3:55)
PT 4 - The Removal of Bani Israel's Chosen Status (5:36)
PT 5 - General Descriptions of the Day of Judgement (6:29)
PT 6 - Using an Abrogated Verse (6:16)
PT 7 - How the Tashri'iyyah Works (3:19)
PT 8 - Intercession and the Levels of Forgiveness (7:19)
PT 9 - What is the Ransom of the Day of Judgement? (6:01)
PT 10 - The Help on the Day of Judgement (0:53)
PT 11 - Signs of the Chosen People (4:30)
PT 12 - The Punishment of the Bani Israel (5:53)
PT 13 - The Meaning of Balaa' (3:46)
PT 14 - Oppressors and the Ones Who Officiate Sinful Behavior (9:50)
PT 15 - The Concept of Maslaha (3:07)
PT 16 - Q & A (4:30)
PT 17 - The Splitting of the Red Sea and the Drowning of Pharaoh (15:58)
PT 18 - The History of the Golden Calf (25:25)
Session 11 - December 12
PT 1 - The Nature of the Misguidance of Muslims (2:03)
PT 2 - Kaffarah for the Bani Isra'il (3:03)
PT 3 - The Levels of Forgiveness (1:30)
PT 4 - The Meaning Behind Ash-Shakur (2:31)
PT 5 - The Difference between Ghaafir, Ghafur and Ghaffar (0:57)
PT 6 - The State of the Shakur (12:03)
PT 7 - The Signs of Being Grateful to Allah (9:43)
PT 8 - The Eloquence of the Qur'an (2:18)
PT 9 - What is the Furqan? (5:14)
PT 10 - How Iblees Mixes Truth with Falsehood (7:06)
PT 11 - The Nature of Forgiveness and Punishment (9:48)
PT 12 - Allah is Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari, Al-Musawwir (10:36)
PT 13 - The Bani Isra'il Refuse to Submit
PT 14 - The Folly of the Bani Isra'il (10:49)
PT 15 - The Etiquette for Paraphrasing Hadith (4:44)
PT 16 - Our Aqidah Concerning Al-Asbab (6:47)
PT 17 - An Invalid Proposition Concerning Allah and His Attributes (6:43)
PT 18 - The Istisqa of Prophet Musa (A.S.) (9:49)
PT 19 - The Bani Isra'il are an Earthly Nation (3:59)
Session 12 - December 19
PT 1 - The Bani Isra'il and the Consequence of Their Rebellious Nature (22:59)
PT 2 - How Insistence in Minor Sins Lead to Major Sins (20:01)
PT 3 - The Transgressions of the Bani Isra'il and Believers That are Saved (17:52)
PT 4 - The Oath taken by the Bani Isra'il and its Reward (16:47)
PT 5 - The Continued Disobedience of the Bani Is'rail and its Repercussions (10:57)
PT 6 - Short Q&A (3:10)
PT 7 - The Bani Isra'il and the Slaughter of the Cow (16:43)
Session 13 - January 15
PT 1 - The Relationship Between the Bani Isra'il and Their Prophets and How They Complicated the Sharia (45:31)
PT 2 - The Softening of Hard Hearts (18:28)
PT 3 - The States of the Hearts and Addressing the Rulers (10:05)
PT 4 - The Hypocrites Among the Jews (7:54)
PT 5 - The Jews Would Speculate and Engage in Wishful Thinking (5:25)
PT 6 - The Jews Would Alter the Words of Allah for a Paltry Price (6:46)
PT 7 - They Fabricated Lies About Allah From Their Whims (7:08)
PT 8 - Only Those Who Sin Will Enter the Fire (3:01)
PT 9 - The Covenant Made With the Tribes of Israel (9:21)
Fall 2023
Week 1 Part 1 (59:48)
Week 1 Part 2 (59:22)
Week 3 (123:55)
Week 4 (114:01)
Week 5 (137:38)
Week 6 (137:38)
Week 7 (117:23)
Week 8 (104:56)
Week 11 (99:58)
Week 12 (126:30)
Week 13 (120:58)
Spring 2024
Surah Al-Baqara 221 - 225 (Natural/Rational Love, Jewish Practices, and Oaths) (137:24)
Surah Al-Baqarah 226 - 232 (Rules regarding Marriage and Divorce) (157:25)
Surah Al-Baqarah 226 - 228 (Oaths) (105:44)
Surah Al-Baqarah 233 - 241 (Divorce, Rights, and Parents) (134:32)
Surah Al-Baqarah 242 - 246 (Inheritance, War, Bani Israel, Rizq) (127:11)
Surah Al-Baqarah 247 - 253 (Bani Israel, Dawud, Rulers, Prophets' Gifts) (144:00)
March 10 (152:20)
Spring 2024 Part II
Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah al Kursi (146:30)
Surah Al-Baqarah 256 - 260 (Compulsion, Apostasy, and Ibrahim AS's Story) (152:28)
Surah Al-Baqarah 261 - 274 (Difference b/w Muslims and Bani Israel, Women in Jihad, and Charity) (146:05)
Surah Al-Baqarah 262 - 281 (Charity and Loans) (127:10)
Surah Al-Baqarah 2## (145:12)
Surah Al-Baqarah 2## (135:38)
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PT 6 - The Gradations in Theology
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