Tasawwuf 106: Virtues of Seclusion
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A Muslim in today's world is between a rock and a hard place: the world is corrupted, and we need to stay away from all the evil. However, as human beings we need company; we need to be around people. Islam is a social religion that must be practiced alongside family, friends and communities. So how do we balance all of this?? This seven hour course aims to cover the ins and outs of this delicate balance.
1 - The First Meaning of Jama'a
2 - The Second Meaning of Jama'a: The State
3 - The Third Meaning of Jama'a
4 - Where to Find the Jama'a
5 - On the Nature of Jama'a in the Quran
6 -Manners & Loyalty
7 - What if I can't find a jama'a?
8 - Harms of Abandoning the Jama'a
9 - The Basis & Method of Companionship
10 - Greeting Those of the Opposite Gender
11 - Dinner Invitations and the Wisdom Behind Them
12 - Q&A
13 - How To Know A Good Era From A Bad One
14 - Is the Default Being with People or Staying Away
15 - Prophets Have Different Rules About Companionship & Seclusion
16 - Should We Chase After People in Da'wa or Leave Them?
17 - Q&A
18 - The First Type of Fitna: Troubles of Daily Life
19 - The Second Type of Fitna: Is it a punishment?
20 - The Third Type of Fitna: (this is the major one)
21 - You Need a Thick Skin
22 - Q&A
23 - The Nature of Seclusion
24 - How Solitary Worship is Done
25 - Q&A
26 - The Rights of Companionship
27 - Satr al-Awra: Covering People's Flaws
28 - Contempt and It's Dangers
29 - Being the Least of the Muslims
30 - Ithar: Preferring Others Over Yourself
31 - The Final Q&A
Course Curriculum
Preview1 - The First Meaning of Jama'a (18:18)
Preview2 - The Second Meaning of Jama'a: The State (3:39)
Preview3 - The Third Meaning of Jama'a (7:26)
Start4 - On the Nature of the Jama'a in the Quran (12:45)
Start5 - Where to Find the Jama'a (7:48)
Start6 - Manners & Loyalty (3:35)
Start7 - Q&A No. 1: Secularism, Liberalism and What Happens if I Can't Find A Good Jama'a (11:23)
Start8 - Harms of Abandoning the Jama'a (6:34)
Start9 - The Basis & Method of Companionship (12:39)
Start10 - Greeting Those of the Opposite Gender (4:36)
Start11 - Dinner Invitations and The Wisdom Behind Them (12:15)
Start12 - Q&A No. 2 (14:19)
StartPart One - Full Audio
Start13 - How to Know a Good Era From a Bad One (7:24)
Start14 - Is the default being with people or staying away? (13:18)
Start15 - Prophets Have Different Rules About Companionship & Seclusion (6:55)
Start16 - Should We Chase After People in Da'wa or Leave Them? (8:30)
Start17 - Q&A No. 3 (4:16)
Start18 - The First Type of Fitna: Troubles of Daily Life (12:08)
Start19 - The Second Type of Fitna: Is it a punishment? (16:06)
Start20 - The Third Type of Fitna (19:19)
Start21 - You Need a Thick Skin (7:05)
Start22a - Q&A No. 4 (19:20)
Start22b - Q&A No. 4 (20:10)
Start23a - The Nature of Seclusion (11:24)
Start23b - The Nature of Seclusion (18:01)
Start24 - How Solitary Worship is Done (15:48)
Start25a - Q&A No. 5 (13:42)
Start25b - Q&A No. 5 (15:53)
Start26 - The Rights of Companionship (12:44)
Start27 - Satr al-Awra (3:40)
Start28 - Contempt (3:28)
Start29 - Being the Least of the Muslims (11:48)
Start30 - Ithar (5:24)
Start31a - Final Q&A i (10:27)
Start31b - The Final Q&A ii (17:51)