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Youth Class 112: Islamic History for Youth
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Spring 2022
Session 1: Pre Islamic Arabia and the time of Muhammad SAW Part 1 (24:43)
Session 1: Pre Islamic Arabia and the time of Muhammad SAW Part 2 (11:34)
Session 2: Abu Bakr and Umar (38:29)
Session 3: Uthman and Ali (40:11)
Session 4: Umayyad Caliphate (40:01)
Session 5: Umayyad Caliphate Part 2 (35:39)
Session 6: Umar ibn Abdal Aziz (37:26)
Session 7: Abbasids Caliphate (38:37)
Session 8: Abbasid Period - Fiqh (34:39)
Session 9: Abbasid Period - Aqeedah (29:03)
Session 10: Abbasid Period - Tasawuf (46:00)
Session 11: Abbasid Period - Math, Astronomy, and Medicine (42:56)
Fall 2021
Session 1: Umayyad Period (37:23)
Session 2: Abbasid Period (34:05)
Session 3: Abbasid Period 2 (36:37)
Session 4: The Initial Crusades (30:48)
Session 5: Reclaiming Jerusalem (29:05)
Session 6: Mamluks and Ottoman Empire (27:52)
Session 7: Muslim Spain (31:42)
Session 8: Rise of the Ottomons (32:02)
Session 9: Height of the Ottoman Empire (32:51)
Session 10: The Ottoman Empire (25:32)
Session 11: Stagnation of the Ottomans (25:40)
Session 12: European Colonialism and WW1 (40:38)
Session 13: Final Class 1900+ (37:16)
Summer 2022 (Spring Continued)
Session 12: Abbasid Period - The Batini Rule (43:45)
Session 13: Al Andalus Part 1 (34:14)
Session 14: Al Andalus Part 2 (43:35)
Session 15: The Crusades and Salah ad-Din (46:26)
Session 16: The Mongols (42:07)
Session 17: How Islam Spread Around the World (49:51)
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Session 5: Reclaiming Jerusalem
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