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Tasawwuf 108: Essence of Tasawwuf
Spring 2024 Tuesday Sessions
Week 1 (64:19)
Week 2 (55:24)
Week 3 (42:47)
Week 4 (52:19)
Week 5 (44:06)
Week 6 (51:56)
Week 7 (62:26)
Essence of Tasawwuf
Session 1: Origins and Fundamental Building Blocks (56:11)
Session 2: Perfecting the heart for the sake of Allah (51:10)
Session 3: The difference between Ikhlas & Sidq (46:28)
Session 4: Humility to Allah (28:41)
Session 5: Humility with People (38:00)
Session 6: Honoring People (44:38)
Session 7: Remembering Allah Abundantly (54:04)
Session 8: The most Beloved of people to Allah (60:07)
Session 9: Balancing the time you spend for the wellbeing of creation with Khalwa (39:43)
Session 10: Love of Allah (43:14)
Session 11 (47:13)
Session 12 (48:49)
Session 13 (91:05)
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Session 6: Honoring People
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