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Hadith 101: Sahih Muslim Book of Iman
Summarized Sahih Muslim volume 1
1- The Book of Iman - Introduction
Introduction (29:33)
Chapter 1 - The first Step of Iman is La ilaah illallah
Hadith # 1 (36:10)
Hadith #2 (25:00)
Hadith #3 (12:13)
Chapter 2 - I have been commanded to fight against the people till they say: "La ilaha illallah"
Hadith #4 (16:38)
Hadith #5 (5:39)
Chapter 3 - He who kills a disbeliever after he declare: "La ilaha illallah"
Hadith #6 (21:02)
Hadith #7 (5:12)
Hadith #8 (14:11)
Chapter 4 - He who meets Allah the Exalted with certitude of Faith would enter Jannah
Hadith #9 and #10 (16:54)
Hadith #11 (9:11)
Hadith #12 (20:38)
Hadith #13 (7:13)
Hadith #14 (6:51)
Chapter 5 - The Iman and its characteristics
Hadith #15 (6:00)
Hadith #16 (11:59)
Chapter 7 - Commandment to believe in Allah and seek refuge with Allah from whispers of Satan
Hadith #17 (45:21)
Chapter 8 - To believe in Allah and to remain steadfast
Hadith #18 (6:22)
Chapter 9 - Proofs of the Prophet (pbuh) and to believe in them
Hadith #19 (16:28)
Hadith #20 (25:23)
Hadith #21` (4:25)
Chapter 10 - Whoever possesses three (qualities) will taste the sweetness of Faith
Hadith #22 (8:50)
Hadith #23 and #24 (44:28)
Chapter 11 - He tasted the favor of Iman who was pleased with Allah as his Rubb (Lord)
Hadith #25 (4:59)
Chapter 12 - Four characteristics of an absolute hypocrite
Hadith #26 and #27 (4:41)
Chapter 13 - Similitudes of a believer and a hypocrite or a disbeliever
Hadith #28 (9:59)
Chapter 14 - The example of a muslim is like a palm tree
Hadith #29 (6:13)
Chapter 15 - Modesty is (part) of Faith
Hadith #30 (4:42)
Hadith #31 (17:15)
Chapters 16 - 18
Hadith #32, #33 and #34 (5:59)
Chapter 18 (cont'd) - Redressing the wrong with hand, tongue and heart is part of Iman
Hadith #35 (8:57)
Chapter 19 - Only a believer loves 'Ali and only a hypocrite hates him
Hadith #36 (5:51)
Chapter 20 - The sign of Iman is loving the Ansar and the sign of hypocrisy is hating them
Hadith #37 (4:05)
Chapter 21 - Iman returns to Al-Madinah
Hadith #38 (4:22)
Chapters 22 and 23
Hadith #39 (13:43)
Hadith #40 and #41 (13:38)
Chapter 24 - You will not enter Jannah until you believe
Hadith #42 (12:40)
Chapter 26 and 26
Hadith #43 and #44 (11:39)
Chapter 27 - Concerning temptation in the Faith
Hadith #45 (7:48)
Chapter 28 - The greatest of major sins is ascribing partner to Allah
Hadith #46 and #47 (11:02)
Chapter 29 - Do not become disbelievers after me by killing one another
Hadith #48 (9:45)
Chapter 33 - He who dies ascribing no partner to Allah will enter Jannah
Hadith #53 (4:29)
Chapter 34 - He who has in his heart the weight of mustard seed of arrogance shall not enter Jannah
Hadith #54 (7:06)
Chapter 35 and 36
Hadith #55 and #56 (9:41)
Chapter 37 - If a slave runs away from his master it is infidelity
Hadith #57 and #58 (24:18)
Chapter 38 - Verily, my supporter is Alllah and righteous believers
Hadith #59 (13:11)
Chapter 39 - The good deeds of a believer are rewarded in both worlds...
Hadith #60 (14:22)
Chapter 40 - What is Islam? And the details of its characterics
Hadith #61 (17:12)
Chapter 41 - Islam is based on five principles
Hadith #62 (4:24)
Chapter 42 - What Islamic manners are good?
Hadith #63 (17:29)
Chapter 43 - Islam effaces all previous (sins) and so do pilgrimage and migration
Hadith #64 (14:13)
Chapter 44 - Abusing a Muslim is Fusuq and killing him is Kufr
Hadith #65 (8:18)
Chapters 45 and 46
Hadiths #66, #67 and #68 (10:46)
Chapter 47 - A Muslim is the one who avoids harming Muslims
Hadith #69 (26:21)
Chapter 48 - He who did good deeds in the Ignorance Period then converted to Islam
Hadith #70 (26:43)
Chapter 49 - Warning against affliction
Hadith #71 (15:38)
Chapters 50-51
Lecture 52, 53 and 54 (54:53)
Chapter 52 - The muchness of Revelation and its continuity
Hadith #75 (20:39)
Chapter 53 - Night journey of the Prophet (pbuh) to the heavens and enjoining the prayer
Hadith #76 (89:42)
Chapter 54 - Mention of the Prophets by the Prophet
Hadith #77 and #78 (7:32)
Chapter 55 - The Prophet (pbuh) mentioned Isa (as) and Dajjal
Hadith #79 (12:14)
Chapter 56 - The Prophet (pbuh) led the Prophets in salat
Hadith #80 (12:37)
Chapter 57 - The Prophet (pbuh) reached Sidrat-ul-Muntah in the Night Journey
Hadith #81 (6:52)
Chapter 58 - The saying of Allah: "And was at a distance of about two bow lengths or (even) nearer
Hadith #82 and #83 (2:58)
Chapter 59 - About seeing Allah
Hadith #84 (17:59)
Hadith #85 (8:31)
Hadith #86 (24:35)
Chapter 60 - Delivering the monotheists from Hellfire
Hadith #87 and #88 (15:39)
Hadith #89 (8:40)
Hadith #90 (14:36)
Hadith #91 (3:28)
Hadith #91 part 2 (42:17)
Chapter 61 - The Intercession
Hadith #92 (42:08)
Hadiths #93 & #94 (4:54)
Hadiths #95 & #96 (5:09)
Hadiths #97 (4:39)
Hadith #98 (to be added)
Hadiths #99 & #100 (10:29)
Hadith #101 (21:26)
Hadith #102 (18:38)
Hadiths #103 (28:31)
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Hadith #25
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