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Hadith 202: Nukhbat al-Fikar
Full Video Sessions
Session 1: Nukhbat al-Fikar Introduction (06.06.21) (48:20)
Session 2: The Science of Hadith (06.13.21) (64:09)
Session 3: Reports and their Paths (1) (06.20.21) (70:39)
Session 4: Reports of their Paths (2) (06.27.21) (55:18)
Session 5: Reports and their Paths (3) (07.11.21) (56:21)
Session 6: Accepted Reports (07.11.21) (73:36)
Session 7: Additions and Condradictions (1) (07.18.21) (59:46)
Session 8: Additions and Contradictions (2) (07.25.21) (54:12)
Session 9: Rejected Reports-Missing Links (08.01.21) (59:33)
Session 10: Rejected Reports-Missing Links (71:21)
Full Session Audio Only Recordings
Session 1: Nukhbat al-Fikar Introduction (06.06.21)
Session 2: The Science of Hadith (06.13.21) (audio)
Session 3: Reports and their Paths (1) (06.20.21) (audio)
Session 4: Reports of their Paths (2) (06.27.21) (audio)
Session 5: Reports and their Paths (3) (07.11.21) (audio)
Session 6: Accepted Reports (07.11.21) (audio)
Session 7: Additions and Condradictions (1) (07.17.21)
Session 8: Additions and Contradictions (2) (07.25.21)
Session 9: Rejected Reports-Missing Links (09.01.21)
Session 10: Rejected Reports-Missing Links (audio)
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Session 4: Reports of their Paths (2) (06.27.21)
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