Quran Tafsir 101: The Short Suras
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-Power of Surat al-Fatiha
-Hallmarks of the Meccan suras
-What were the causes of revelation
-The five points of Tawhid in Surat al-Ikhlas
-Vivid descriptions of Afterlife
-Realities of demons (shayateen)
-Protections from Iblis & black magic
-End result of those who mock the Prophet ï·º
-The Prophet ï·º is always in increase
-How the death of the Prophet ï·º was foretold
-Dangers of love of wealth
-"If the Quran were to be reduced to one sura, it would be al-Asr."
-On the destroyer of social fabric: backbiting
-The People of the Ukhdud, killed for the beliefs
-Where will qiyama take place
-Will families be together on the Day of Judgement
-Verses to recite before studying
-Why the honest merchant is resurrected with the martyrs
Course Curriculum
Preview1 - The Human Being - Crown of Creation (Surat al-Naas) (29:52)
Preview2 - Causes of Revelation - How to navigate asbaab al-nuzul (8:14)
Preview3 - The incident of the black magic - The Cause of Revelation of Suras Falaq & Naas (6:30)
Preview4 - The Four Thing Surat al-Falaq Seeks Refuge From (21:35)
Start5 - Surat al-Naas Swears by Three Things and Seeks Refuge From One THing (11:16)
Start6 - How to Respond to Hasad (1:02)
StartAll of Falaq & Naas - Audio Only
Preview7 - Why the Idea of a God is the Most Important Element in Life (2:27)
Start8 - The First Error - Animism (10:01)
Start9 - The Second Error - Idolatry (9:51)
Start10 - The 3rd & 4th Errors (16:00)
Start11 - Tanzih & Its Centrality in 'Aqida (1:40)
Start12 - The Distinctness of Islam's 'Aqida (6:19)
Start13 - The New Age of Ignorance & the Fifth Error (10:55)
Start14 - Cause of Revelation + Rewards for Reciting Ikhlas (2:08)
StartAll of Ikhlas - Audio Only