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Aqida 103: Hanbali Aqida
I. The Divine Attributes
1 What Ibn Taymiyya said about discussing sifat with common Muslims (13:39)
2 What is ta’wil and what did the Hanbalis say about it? (13:55)
3 Hanbali & Ashari compared (17:00)
4 The Aqida of Imam Ahmad in Usul al-Sunna (17:07)
5 Which Hanbali scholar is the most authentic representation? (15:27)
6 On Allah being the real doer of things. Hanbali & Ashari compared (14:49)
7 Tafwid between Hanbali and Asharis (13:41)
8 Hanbali prohibition on ta’wil of specific words (11:46)
9 Tafwid in the Hanbali creed (8:47)
II. Tawassul, Istighatha, Baraka, & the Power To Do Things
10 The Hanbali ruling on istighatha (13:44)
11 Istighatha Discussion continued (15:33)
12 Do created things have any power? (7:27)
14 Tawassul (17:26)
13 Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani on the real doer of things in the universe (9:08)
15 What Hanbalis say about istighatha (10:32)
16 What is the value of tawassul through pious people? (13:57)
17 What is the difference between tawassul with people vs deeds (12:26)
18 The ruling on seeking baraka (12:40)
III. Graves: Visitation, Domes, & Speaking to the Dead
20 Building shrines on graves (11:59)
19 On visiting graves (14:48)
21 Can the dead hear us? Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn al-Qayyim answer. (10:52)
IV. Tasawwuf
22 The meaning of bid’a in the Hanbali school (18:14)
23 Tasawwuf in the Hanbali school (19:55)
V. Authentic Sources of Hanbali Aqida
24 Books, texts, and sources of Hanbali creed (18:13)
25 The position of Ibn Taymiyya in fiqh vs aqida (10:11)
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2 What is ta’wil and what did the Hanbalis say about it?
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