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Fiqh Maliki 102: Akhdari
Spring 2023: Matn Al Akhdari with Dr Shadee Elmasry
Zoom & WhatsApp group links
Session 1: Precursor to Studying Fiqh is correcting one's Aqidah (50:06)
Session 2: Purification (Tahara) (42:00)
Session 3: Wudu & Ghusl (53:53)
Session 4: Tayammum, Hayd & Nifaas (54:32)
Session 5: Prayer Times & Pre Conditions of Salah (49:24)
Session 6: Salah (44:33)
Session 7 (46:08)
Session 8 (47:10)
Class Materials
1: Introduction to Maliki Fiqh Akhdari
2: First Obligations Upon the Mukallaf-Part 1 (72:51)
3: First Obligations Upon the Mukallaf-Part 2 (59:58)
4: Types of Water (64:24)
5: The Rulings of Wudu (72:23)
6: Ghusl (57:32)
7: Tayamum, Hayd and Nifass (68:04)
8: Preconditions of the Prayer (59:04)
9: Obligations and Sunnah of the Prayer (53:01)
10: Virtuous Actions, Disliked Actions, and Misc Issues of Salat (55:04)
11: Sujud us Sahw-Part 1 (62:17)
12: Sujud us Sahw-Part 2 (43:56)
Supplementary Class 1: Who are the Scholars (28:49)
Supplementary Class 2: Intro to Mantiq (28:33)
Supplementary Class 3: The Definition of Tahara (24:12)
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6: Ghusl
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